the guide to choosing your kibble


It is important to choose your cat's kibble carefully.
Attention ! You should never feed a cat raw meat. ©Freepik

When it comes to caring for your cat, diet is one of the most important things to consider. Indeed, a cat's nutrition plays a key role in its overall health, its energy level and of course its happiness, depending on the foods it loves. To choose the best kibble for a cat, you must first understand its specific needs, preferences and the options available on the market.

What kibble for my cat?

Nutritional needs of cats

To begin, it is crucial to understand your cat's nutritional needs. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they need animal protein to stay healthy. In addition to protein, they also need fat and carbohydrates in appropriate amounts.

Protein is essential for muscle growth, fat provides energy, and carbohydrates are needed in limited amounts. When choosing kibble for your cat, make sure it contains a sufficient amount of protein!

Ingredients to avoid in kibble

Not all ingredients are equal when it comes to nutritional quality for your cat. It is important to avoid kibble that contains harmful additives, artificial preservatives, colorings and poor quality fillers. Basically, anything that can lead to the ingestion of a toxic product.

Cats are sensitive to certain ingredients, such as corn, wheat and soy, which can cause allergies and digestive issues. Be sure to carefully read the ingredients list on the label of the kibble you are considering purchasing.

Labels and certifications to look for

When looking for quality kibble for your cat, look for labels and certifications that guarantee the quality and safety of the products. Some labels to look for include “AAFCO” (Association of American Feed Control Officials) and “USDA Organic” for organic products. These labels indicate that the kibbles have been produced in compliance with strict quality and food safety standards.

Different kibbles for different cats

The age of the cat

The age of your cat plays a crucial role in choosing its kibble. Kittens, adult cats and senior cats have different nutritional needs. Kittens need protein-rich kibble to promote growth, while senior cats need kibble tailored to their specific age-related needs.

Pre-existing health conditions

If your cat suffers from specific health problems, it is essential to choose kibble adapted to its needs. For example, cats with diabetes may need special low-carb kibble. Always consult your veterinarian for recommendations regarding health concerns.

A sterilized cat must also be given a very specific diet. A cat also suffering from kidney failure. Also be sure to respect the rhythm of your diet.

Brands and products, how to find your way around them?

Quality local brands

In different cities, it is possible to have access to local brands of cat food. These brands often care about the provenance of ingredients and the sustainability of their products. It is therefore possible to combine ecology and food!

Organic and natural products

Organic and natural kibble is growing in popularity due to its health benefits for cats. They are made with high quality ingredients and are free of harmful additives.

Price comparison and value for money

Choosing quality kibble does not necessarily mean spending a fortune. It is possible to find quality options that meet your budget. Compare prices and value for money between different brands to find the most suitable kibble for your cat without compromising its health.

Choosing the right kibble for your cat is essential for its health and well-being. Taking into account essential criteria such as nutritional needs, ingredients to avoid, quality labels and adaptation to the specific needs of your cat. Each cat is unique and deserves special attention to its needs!


Contrary to popular belief, cow's milk is not good for cats. You should avoid giving it to them as much as possible, otherwise your four-legged companion may end up with some digestive problems. Lactose-free milk is more suitable.

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