causes, risks, solutions… everything you need to know

causes, risks, solutions... everything you need to know
Coprophagia, the scientific term for the act of eating one's own or other animals' feces, is a behavior that surprises and even disturbs many dog…

Symptoms, Duration and Atypical Heat

Symptoms, Duration and Atypical Heat
When a female dog goes into heat, she goes through different phases that make her suitable for breeding. However, around 25% of female dogs present…

gestation time, birthing and care

gestation time, birthing and care
A female dog's gestation lasts about two months, usually 50 to 70 days after mating. Learn to recognize the signs of pregnancy in order to…

How long does a female dog's heat last?

How long does a female dog's heat last?
As soon as they are old enough to mate and have puppies, female dogs regularly have periods of heat. But to manage them as best…

How do I know if my dog ​​is pregnant?

How do I know if my dog ​​is pregnant?
A pet requires a lot of attention and involvement from the moment you choose to have one. In this regard, how do you know if…

“They are everything to me. I had them since they were born”, the owner of two stolen husky dogs tries everything to find them

“They are everything to me. I had them since they were born”, the owner of two stolen husky dogs tries everything to find them
Two husky dogs disappeared near Tarbes in December 2022. Their owner is still without news. Every year hundreds of thousands of pets disappear into thin…

What does the dog teach her puppies?

What does the dog teach her puppies?
The legal age to adopt a puppy is 8 weeks, but it is strongly recommended to wait until the puppy is 10 weeks old. If…

100 ideas for female dog names

100 ideas for female dog names
Lacking inspiration to find a name for your female dog? Here is a list of 100 female dog name ideas just for you. Unique Names…

Chronicle – Dog loves, zoom on the bond between humans and dogs

Chronicle – Dog loves, zoom on the bond between humans and dogs
I know that the world is burning, that a certain apathy is drying up our enthusiasm, that empathy is melting like the ice cap, that…

How Much Does a German Shepherd Cost?

How Much Does a German Shepherd Cost? German shepherds are smart, loyal dogs that require consistent training and exercise. They also require regular veterinary care…