Bengal cat insurance

The Bengal is a breed of cat recognized in France since 1997. It can be distinguished by its coat covered in closed or open rosettes, with a tawny interior and a darker outline. Depending on the shape and arrangement of these tasks, the patterns can be marbled or spotted. The hairs, generally brown in color, are silky, dense and short. Felines of this species have a life expectancy of 13 to 16 years. They weigh between 5 kg and 7 kg for males and between 4 kg and 6 kg for females. At the withers, their size is around 35 cm.

The characteristics of Bengal

Origins and history

The first Bengal cats were born in 1983. The International Cat Association then admitted them as “New Breeds and Colors”. Their name was chosen in honor of the Bengal leopard cat, from which they descend. Two years later, the breed was represented for the first time in a cat show. It was then officially recognized in the United States in 1991.

The story of the Bengal cat begins in 1963, with an experiment carried out by Joan Sugden. The geneticist had crossed a domestic cat with a Bengal leopard cat, a wild feline from Asia. Proud of the specimen obtained, Joan Sugden wanted to carry out a similar hybridization. But economic and family concerns forced her to give up her project.


However, it was only a postponement. William Centerwall, an American scientist, carried out research on the Bengal leopard cat in the 1970s. Many believed that this animal was immune to feline leukosis. The scientist then crossed it with an American domestic cat in order to examine its immune defenses. Having discovered this study by chance, Joan Sugden contacted Weilliam Centerwall. The latter then provided him with copies based on his experience. The breeder had carried out new hybridizations with various cat breeds. Following crosses with Egyptian Maus, Abyssinians and Burmeses, the Bengal cat was born.


This cat is renowned for being very independent, like its wild ancestor.. He hates being carried and lifted or held and prefers freedom. It also doesn't take much to keep the Bengals occupied. When you are away, remember to leave him some toys, such as a kibble dispensing ball, a game board, etc. This will prevent him from destroying your home during his independent activities.

Towards strangers, this ball of fur can sometimes display a certain distrust., even a fear. She nevertheless adapts to new encounters. Usually, his shyness fades when his curious nature takes over.


This animal is also characterized by its extraordinary intelligence. You can teach him tricks like high fives, playing dead, etc. in order to develop his faculties. He will impress you with his ability to learn quickly.

Bengals are also very active, even more than the norm among its peers.. The only way to calm their ardor is to stimulate them mentally and make them expend energy. Your four-legged companion will calm down after a well-paced session.

The development of this very playful cat requires at least two play periods per day. He will take great pleasure in each of the indoor activities that you offer him. Your pet will also have fun with almost any toy available to him.

From time to time, the Bengal cat appreciates cuddles. Take advantage of his recovery sessions to give him some.


THE Bengal stands out for its immense need for exercise. To stimulate him physically and mentally, agility or obstacle courses are particularly recommended.

This particularity generates in your companion a very large appetite, slightly larger than the average of his peers. The overflowing energy nature of this cat also creates a significant risk of running away. As soon as possible, he will explore the outer surroundings. Finally, the Bengal communicates a lot with meows.



This breed is not recommended for the elderly, due to their very active nature. On the other hand, it is perfect for children, who have this same character. They only need to know the animal body language to understand the signals sent when he wants:

  • To rest ;
  • Tranquility.

The Bengal can easily form a friendly relationship with a dog if the introduction is carried out properly.. It is also imperative that the canine knows how to behave with the feline. The cat also knows how to adapt to its peers, provided that it has been properly socialized during its first months. The meeting of the cat with a different breed can, however, create problems due to its hybridization.

Reasons to take out cat insurance

THE Bengal cat displays a health very solid. Its organism, endowed with the genes of leopard cat of Bengal, has strong immune protection to defeat everyday microbes. The cat, however, presents a risk increased to develop certain health problems as :

  • Pyruvate kinase deficiency : insufficient production of this enzyme leads to anemia in animals;
  • Musculoskeletal abnormalities ;
  • Skin conditions ;
  • Urinary tract infections.


The breed is also predisposed to certain genetic diseases. These include hip dysplasia and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The latter generates a Cardiac arrythmiapleural effusion, pulmonary edema, etc.

In the event that your pet catches one of these pathologies, you will find yourself facing substantial bills. This is why it is advisable to subscribe a cat health insurance. The latter will take care of the expenses of care and others costs preventive treatments.

Best pet insurance for a Bengal

We have prepared some selections that may interest you in your search for best animal mutual for Bengal:

Rank Insurer Our opinion Average monthly rate
1 Self Insurance Three Bengal cat insurance plans offered. Reimbursement of 40-50% for different acts with the basic contract. The intermediate and optimal packs grant 60-80% and 90-100% respectively. 18.29 euros
2 Acheel Cat health insurance offers two attractive packages: Animal Illness and Animal Illness and Accident. They reimburse between 50% and 100% of your companion's medical expenses. 10.63 euros
3 Blue Bubble 3 animal insurance plans offered. They allow you to obtain a reimbursement level of 80%. 10.20 euros
4 My Companion The company can offer up to full coverage of your veterinary costs. 21.42 euros
5 Dalma Assurtech sells three attractive formulas: Economical, Intermediate and Optimum. They provide a reimbursement level of 60%, 80% and 100% respectively. 25.64 euros

* The prices are those observed with our insurance partners for a Bengal cat, all profiles and levels of guarantees combined, for the year 2023 (from January to November).


What guarantees for your Bengal cat’s health coverage?

L'cat health insurance ideal for a Bengal must present basic drug packages, consultations veterinarians, analyzes, etc. You can add to these essential clauses optional guarantees as :

  • Search assistance if the cat disappears;
  • Compensation in the event of the death of your furry companion;
  • Care of the feline in the event of hospitalization of the owner.

How much does health insurance cost for a Bengal?

THE cost of Bengal cat insurance revolves on average around 17 euros. But this price can vary according to several criteria: the waiting period, the reimbursement ceiling, the age of the animal, etc.

Compare to find cheaper animal health insurance

When looking for cat insurance dedicated to Bengal, do not hesitate to compare several offers. This approach will allow you to win the contract the cheapest. You can use online tools to do this.

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