Why is your cat cuddlier than usual?

Why is your cat cuddlier than usual?

Stress, departure, travel, adjustment, absence, arrival of a person (baby, partner, cousin, brothers, family, etc.). All these events increase anxiety in cats. However, anxiety is one of the factors that can make your cat more cuddly than usual. Discover through this article the other factors.

Cats can often exhibit unusual behaviors. If known as independent companions, they can become very clingy from one day to the next. Which is sometimes annoying when it lasts for a long time. You guessed it, your cat is going through a period of emotional dependence if you have observed this behavior lately. But what generates this new attitude that seems strange to you? This is what you will discover through this article.

Let's take an overview of the attitudes of cats

Descendant of the wild cat present in the Middle East and known under the name of Felis Silvestris Catus, cats were domesticated to become humans' best companions. Cats are carnivorous mammals and today there are more thanaround fifty different breeds. These mammals have their own personality trait and are known to be relatively independent pets. However, this independence does not alter his relationship with his master. So even independent, he still remains very cuddly and very tactile. He adores the flattering, the caresses, the tenderness of his master. Cats are for many, very organized, calm, regular, routine, silent, dominant, teasing and playful. All these attributes aim to provide cats with rest, tranquility, and the joy of living with an absence of anxiety and worry. Basically, cats really like peace. This is why he spends more time sleeping (10 or 16 hours of sleepL).

Why cats suddenly become cuddly

As we mentioned above, cats are relatively independent. If your cat is not, it's nothing dramatic. But, if you have a cat who loves his space and who has temporary flatouillement sessions, at this point, it becomes more worrying. Here are the facts that orchestrated this sudden emotional dependence.

1. Emotional lack causing emotional dependence

It results in an absence on your part at home. The cat in this perspective is left to its own devices for long hours. It develops the independence reflex. But the opposite effect can happen every time he sees you. Even more so if you are the center of his world. At this point, your cat lets down all anti-emotional guard and will want to spend all the rest of the time with you. He will be very cuddly, reflecting his joy at having you with him.

2. Aging

As cats get older, they no longer want to spend their day alone. They come looking contact, caresses, tenderness. It is a stadiumanxiety, fear, as well as age-related stress. And, it is also natural and specific to human beings. The older we get, the more we seek an emotional presence.

3. The pregnancy period

During a period of pregnancy, your cat may be looking for affection, human warmth, of tenderness. Pregnancy anxiety makes her very emotional and shows it even more when you are available for her. She will follow you everywhere in the house and will want to accompany you when you go out.

4. Cats in heat

Cats in heat are very cuddly because of hormonal fluctuations. If you observe carefully the attitude of your pussy, she will follow you anywhere in the house, caressing your feet whenever she can. When you are sitting on the couch, she will also search for your feet or come up to rub against you. This excess of cuddles reflects a lack of affection and a desire for copulation.

5. Fear of a newcomer

You welcome a new person at home (baby, family member, boyfriend, girlfriend, friends, spouse, fiancée, husband, wife, cat, dog). Suddenly, your cat becomes cuddly. He is worried about you and his place. He does this with the aim of reminding you that he matters more than all the other people.. He marks his territory by licking your face and caressing you with his back and tail.

6. Illness

An illness can send a message if your cat suddenly becomes cuddly. Even more so if he does not suffer from any hyperdependence since childhood. If your cat is very independent and suddenly becomes a real glue pot, this certainly reflects a sickness. Here is the signs that accompany this disease :

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