what reimbursement for alternative medicine?

Osteopathy, homeopathy, animals can also be entitled to alternative medicine to get better. There are more and more specialist veterinarians and some animal health mutuals even offer to cover part of these expenses.

Alternative medicine adapted to animals

Alternative medicine makes it possible to relieve pain and cure benign pathologies animals as well as humans. She intervenes in complement to traditional care, consultation with the veterinarian and surgery in extreme cases. Unlike traditional Western medicine which only treats the symptom, it attacks the cause of the problem. Dogs, cats, horses and other domestic or livestock animals can benefit from it.


Veterinary homeopathy is becoming more and more widespread: it can be used in the treatment of a large number of pathologies such as viral and chronic conditions (eczema, ear infections, osteoarthritis, etc.) but also in the case of behavioral disorders, digestive or urinary system problems. Homeopathy is often used in addition to allopathy.


It is possible to practice self-medication but it is still advisable to consult a homeopathic veterinarian specialist who will be responsible for prescribing the treatment (which can take the form of tablets, powders, ointments, eye drops, etc.) and for examining the animal.


The animal osteopath uses handling techniques of the animal body thanks to a great knowledge of their physiology in order to cure various pathologies. More and more schools are opening their doors and the number of animal osteopaths continues to increase even though many are specialized in equine osteopathy.


Following an operation, immobilization or because of significant pain, an animal may, like humans, need re-education in order to regain control of his body. Rehabilitation can be done through passive or active exercises during physiotherapy sessions.


The animals most often treated by acupuncture are dogs, cats and horses: thanks to different techniques such as needles, the most widespread technique, the animal acupuncturist can treat respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal problems or still relieve pain.


Widely used for dogs and horses, mesotherapy is an alternative medicine which consists of inject medication under the skin through localized injections, thus allowing reduce side effects. It helps in particular to relieve osteoarthritis problems and intervenes to cure all muscular or ligament pathologies.



Phytotherapy consists of the use of plants for their therapeutic properties in order to treat the disease: all animals, whatever their breed, can benefit from it because only the doses must be modified in order to adapt to their body size. However, the plants used for dogs or cats will be different from those for humans because our metabolism is different, so it is very important to consult a veterinarian specializing in this area first.

We could also add aromatherapy, naturopathy, hydrotherapy or even physiotherapy to these alternative medicines. These so-called alternative care methods are increasingly appealing to pet owners who see them as a healthier way to ensure the well-being of their cat or dog.

Increasingly common support

Animal insurance that covers this type of care is not yet very numerous, but natural medicines are slowly appearing among the contract guarantees. For example, it is possible that osteopathy is included in the prevention package, a package included in all mutual insurance companies and also used to finance vaccines or even sterilization (April, Assurvet, SantéVet).

Other animal insurers cover homeopathic medicines in the same way as conventional medications provided that they have been prescribed by a veterinarian for curative purposes (SantéVet, Amaguiz, Anim Assur).

Finally, there are nevertheless some mutual insurance companies which cover less common natural medicine practices such as herbal medicine or physiotherapy in their prevention package as well as in medical costs (Bulle Bleue). To find the animal health insurance that suits you, do not hesitate to use a insurance comparatoryou will be able to compare offers, prices and guarantees.

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