top 5 essential accessories

top 5 essential accessories

Training a puppy is a mandatory step in obtaining a well-behaved animal. This dog training is essential for its safety and that of your loved ones. Indeed, training allows you to live with an obedient dog, who knows the recall (which avoids losing him), does not jump on people and does not pull on the leash (at the risk of making you fall). But this ideal dog does not come out of a hat, you will have to work and equip yourself with training accessories to educate your companion. Dog training collars with electrical impulses, which are too violent, should be avoided. Prefer positive education that associates good behavior with a reward. The dog clicker is ideal for this non-violent training; it associates a noise (the click) with good behavior and reward. You can complete your outfit with a dog lanyard, a treat bag and, for the home, a dispenser with remote control.

Why should you train a dog?

Dogs live alongside us; Just like humans, they must know good manners! A well-trained dog is more pleasant to live with than a little brat.

Dog training allows you to have an obedient dog who will not put himself in danger or be a danger to others. Some examples of the benefits of training for dogs: coming back when called when approaching a road, not jumping on children or the elderly, remaining calm when putting on their harness, walking on a leash without to pull…

It is also a way to share enriching moments with your partner and to progress together.

At what age should you start training your dog?

The actual training of a dog begins around 6 months. At this age, you can start dog training classes, but you can train your puppy as soon as he arrives home.

Of course, the younger the animal, the more you will need to give it simple orders, keep sessions short and be patient. Positive reinforcement learning using a clicker is a good option for puppy training. The lanyard is also very useful outdoors.

What are the elements to take into account to properly educate your dog?

To train your dog, you will need to take into account:

  • About his age
  • His character: a dominant dog trains with firmness, a fearful dog with gentleness
  • Of his breed… yes, not all dogs are equal when it comes to learning. Some are more “gifted” than others.
  • From your experience: if you are a beginner, taking dog training classes is probably a good idea.
  • Of your available time: training a dog requires a lot of training.
  • Your goal: do you want a very obedient puppy or are you more of a good temperament?

How long should training a dog last?

We can't really answer this question. Some dogs are fast, others not so much. Roughly speaking, basic commands such as recall or “sit” must be acquired by 1 year of age.

But a dog can learn all his life!

Can we train all dogs the same way?

A dog's training must be adapted to its temperament. Some somewhat hot-headed animals require great firmness while others collapse at the slightest raised voice! Electric dog training collars can be very harmful to sensitive animals.

Certain dog breeds, such as German Shepherds or Labradors, are generally more easily trained. Other very independent breeds, such as the Shiba Inu, risk giving the most motivated owners a hard time.

If you want to do dressage competitions or agility, it is better to opt for a cooperative breed such as Malinois or Border collie.

What are the different types of dog training accessories?

Among the top dog training devices we find:

  • The clicker: small device that emits a noise when the master clicks on it. The clicker is triggered when the dog correctly executes the request and is associated with a reward (treat, caress, etc.). Little by little, the dog is conditioned to obey when he hears the click. Some dispenser bowls work on the same principle.
  • Dog training collars: electric collars, vibrating collars, citronella diffusers, chokers, etc. With little concern for animal well-being and variable effectiveness, they are gradually being abandoned in favor of positive canine education.
  • The dog training leash or lanyard for safe outdoor exercises

Dog treat bags are also very practical for outdoor training.

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