German Shepherd Develops Bloat Fully Recovers With Surgery

German Shepherd Develops Bloat Fully Recovers with Surgery

German Shepherd Develops Bloat Fully Recovers With Surgery

Bloat or more severe gastric dilatation volvulus (GDV), can be life-threatening to dogs. GDV occurs when the stomach enlarges and then twists, cutting off circulation to essential organs such as the liver.

Dogs exhibiting classic signs of bloat – including restlessness, anxiety, guarding their abdomens, hyper salivation and an ineffective attempt at vomiting – require emergency veterinary attention immediately. X-rays will be taken and blood tests conducted to ascertain how serious their situation is.


German Shepherds may experience bloat, which is a life-threatening emergency medical condition known as gastric dilatation volvulus (GDV). Bloat occurs when their stomach expands with fluid, food or air and twists at both its entrance and exit points – trapping their organs within and preventing proper blood flow; breathing becomes compromised, organs die out while there’s an extreme increase in pressure obstructing breathing, stopping blood from getting to them, potentially rupture or burst leading to shock, internal organ damage or death; thus becoming an urgent medical situation that requires immediate veterinary assistance for treatment. This medical emergency requires immediate veterinary attention for immediate veterinary attention for immediate veterinary assistance for rapid medical assistance from trained veterinarians experienced professionals in order to treat their pet properly.

GDV can be more serious than simple stomach upset due to its severe symptoms. One telltale sign is an enlarged abdomen which becomes distended with air. Other indicators may include non-productive retching, restlessness and abdominal pain; usually vets will attempt to deflate it by inserting a tube through your dog’s mouth in an effort to untwist its digestive tract without risk of further injury.

During surgery, a veterinarian will restore the stomach to its regular position and secure it to the abdominal wall to prevent future twisting. They may also stitch up any organs involved in the rotor; remove dead tissue; treat shock which could result in heart arrhythmia or blood poisoning and treat any dead tissues found.


If your dog seems bloated and lethargic, seek medical assistance immediately. A condition known as gastric dilatation volvulus (GDV) should be considered an emergency situation: its symptoms involve twisting of stomach contents into twists that reduce or cut off blood flow to organs causing shock-like effects; extreme pressure could even cause the spleen to twist distally, further cutting off blood supply to vital organs and leading to life-threatening shocks.

GDV can be diagnosed through physical examination, x-rays, and various tests administered by a veterinarian. Due to its life-threatening nature, fluids and medications will likely be given first in order to stabilize patients before performing surgery or performing any procedures.

Once your German Shepherd has been stabilized by a veterinarian, he or she will begin treatment to repair its twisted stomach. A surgeon may first deflate an enlarged stomach before untwisting it to restore normal blood flow. A veterinarian will also remove any dead tissue to avoid necrosis or toxicity; or they may perform gastropexy to tack the stomach to the abdominal wall so it cannot twist again.

Experts typically recommend that dogs with a history of GDV undergo preventative surgery during spay or neuter surgeries in breeds considered vulnerable, including Great Danes, Doberman Pinschers, Irish Wolfhounds and Saint Bernards. Studies indicate this procedure can decrease GDV by as much as 76% according to one report.


Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus, or GDV, is a potentially life-threatening condition in dogs that is particularly prevalent among large deep-chested breeds like German shepherds, great Danes, Irish setters Saint Bernards and weimaraners. GDV occurs when your pup’s stomach fills with gas, distends as a result and cuts off all blood flow back to its heart while cutting off supply to their own stomach itself – further restricting blood flow backwards into his heart while cutting off supply to its source as well as strain on its diaphragm making breathing difficult for your pup!

At first signs of bloat, a doctor may attempt to decompress your dog’s stomach by inserting a tube down his throat and into their stomach to relieve excess pressure; however, an inflexible or twisted stomach could prevent this procedure from being effective. An alternative option would be “the stomach tap”, in which punctures puncture can puncture his or her stomach to decompress from the inside out.

Veterinary teams quickly administer intravenous fluids, medications and electrolytes to address shock as well as reduced blood flow to stomach and other organs. Your pet will also be walked around to stimulate movement of digestive tract, helping move food through more quickly while increasing circulation. In certain instances, EKG machines will need to be used in monitoring heart rhythm since bloat may cause abnormalities to arise in its heart rhythm patterns.


With prompt veterinary intervention, many dogs with GDV can survive. The initial step will be for the veterinarian to stabilize and decompress the stomach by passing a tube down into it through its mouth to release air and liquid build-up; they may also perform a lavage procedure (washing out of stomach with water) as another way to relieve pressure in the system.

Your German Shepherd with GDV may have experienced gas build-up that causes their stomach to be distended with gas, creating pressure on their diaphragm and impairing breathing. Furthermore, this disrupts return blood flow from stomach to heart resulting in ischemia as well as pulling and twisting their spleen which further impairs organ blood supply.

Sooner or later, your German Shepherd may require surgery to address their twisted stomach and prevent future episodes of bloat. A specialist will deflate and realign it back to its normal position before tacking it against the abdomen wall to keep it from twisting again – this procedure is known as gastropexy and is typically completed as part of spay/neuter procedures in breeds at risk of GDV.

These dogs still pose a considerable risk of recurrent bloat and must be closely monitored at a veterinary hospital for several days to make sure there are no further complications due to another bout of blown stomach.

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