at what age to take out dog mutual insurance?

at what age to take out dog mutual insurance?

From what age can you insure your puppy?

Dog insurance generally refuses animals under the age of 3 months because their health is very fragile and they represent too high a risk to cover. From 3 months, you can easily find puppy mutual insurance.

However, it is possible that the contract provides for exclusions up to a certain age. Each insurer is in fact free to set its guarantee exclusions: in this case, if your puppy (even insured) develops a pathology before a certain age, and this is one of the exclusions, you will not be able to obtain coverage. charge.

Also, be vigilant and read your contract carefully before taking out it: do not only consult the price of puppy insurance because a low price is often synonymous with low and limited reimbursements.

puppy health insurance

Why take out insurance for your puppy?

When adopting your puppy, you don't necessarily think about the possible health problems he could have. However, it is when dogs are still very small that they are most fragile. The main canine diseases that affect young puppies are distemper and Rubarth's disease, as well as leptospirosis or parvovirus. Serious pathologies that affect young dogs before they can receive the appropriate vaccines.

These are not the only ailments that a puppy can suffer from, whether it is a young Labrador or a German Shepherd. We must also think about the problems linked to a Digestive still in training: in fact, he has difficulty supporting the introduction of new foods.

Finally, let's think about the risky explorations that end in falling or swallowing objects or more or less dangerous products. By securing its environment, you can keep your animal in good health!

Because the health of puppies must be closely monitored and has many specificities, trust a specialist in pet insurance comparison like Hyperassur. Our expertise allows us to sort for you between the different offers, to select the puppy insurance best suited to your young dog and to obtain the best price/service ratio.

Compare puppy insurance in just a few clicks


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Puppy mutual insurance: what support?

Faced with these real cuddly toys (which can make you become very close to your veterinarian), better not to skimp on guarantees. Especially since when purchasing a puppy, it represents an investment: €1000 on average for a purebred dog adopted from a breeder.

Concretely, there is no specific dog insurance for puppies. The formulas are identical to those of their elders and the support concerns two types of care:

  • THE routine care : illnesses, accidents, hospitalizations, analyses, x-rays, etc. which are reimbursed in the form of a percentage of between 50 and 100% depending on animal insurance contracts;
  • THE preventive care : sterilization, vaccines… which can be the subject of an annual package, on average from 50 to 150€ depending on the contracts.

Then, the taking care of your puppy can apply to two cases:

  • veterinary costs are reimbursed only in the event of an accident;
  • only in case of illness;
  • or in both cases.

With a level of 100% guaranteed, your veterinary expenses are fully covered. Depending on your budget, you can also opt for a lower reimbursement: the contribution will be lower but your guarantees will also be less extensive.

puppy insurancepuppy insurance

How much does it cost to insure your puppy?

Price is not a question of size when it comes to dues. Indeed, insuring a puppy does not cost less than insuring an adult dog.

Count on average:

  • €10 per month for entry-level dog mutual insurance, with reimbursements of between 50 and 80%;
  • €20 per month for a more extensive offer, with a reimbursement rate between 80 and 100%, a higher annual ceiling and a lower deductible;
  • or even €35 per month for a premium contract, which adds to its guarantees a greater prevention package, a raised reimbursement ceiling and sometimes zero deductible.

Note that the breed of your puppy can vary the monthly amount of your contribution by a few euros.

With a mid-range contract, here are the possible reimbursements for a year of care for a puppy (average prices observed):

  • patella dislocation with surgery: €600 x 80% = €480 reimbursed
  • consultation + blood tests: €40 + €60 x 80% = €80 reimbursed

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